Once you open the app and tap on the hamburger icon, you will see your profile information at the top section. Currently, in the latest app version, you cannot upload your profile picture.
If you are a registered user, and you tap on Profile, you will be redirected to the Profile screen. In this Profile screen, you will be able to view your profile picture (not available in this version). Just below your profile picture you will get to see your Profile name and email address, followed by Status, Role, and Business code. Please note that the Profile name is different from your business name. The profile name is the name that you specify while creating your account in this business app.
If you are the business owner, your status will always be Active and your role will always be Admin. Business code is the code generated for your business once you register as a business owner. However, if you are a business user, your status and role will be determined by the business owner.
Just below the status, role, and Business code section, you will get to see the Creation date of this profile.
Edit Profile
Tapping on the Edit profile will let you edit your profile name and your registered email address. If you wish to change your registered email, you have to specify your new email address and tap on Update. You will receive a verification email and once you verify your email, your email address gets updated.
Sign Out
You can sign out of your account at any point in time by tapping on the sign out button.