Media & publications
Businesses and retailers allowing digital check-in with the Q Waits Business App can expect higher profits and more satisfied customers, while eliminating up to 95 percent of their lineups.
Businesses and retailers allowing digital check-in with the Q Waits Business App can expect higher profits and more satisfied customers, while eliminating up to 95 percent of their lineups.
Times of India
The app can be used to digitally reserve one’s place and get alerts on the progress of the queue so that the person can reach before the turn comes.
The Hill Times
Boolean Array Canada, a Canada-based company, brings to India an amazing application or app Q Waits, which will allow the flexibility to queue up from anywhere.
Q Waits Business can be used by any businesses who provide service to walk-in customers. No more crowded waiting areas. Let your customers check-in remotely and wait in their comfort from anywhere.
Q Waits Business is a virtual queue management solution for your business. Our solutions are 100% app based. This means, you can use the business app to manage lineups while your customers use their phone to check-in to your business.
For companies that want a software that can provide better customer service by helping save time and effort avoiding standing in queues and waiting to enter stores​
With Q Waits Business, you can configure and implement a virtual queuing solution for your business. It is smart, intelligent, cloud based, and very easy to use.
Q Waits Business is a simple, smart, virtual queue management app. Created for businesses, this app helps maintain social distancing inside business premises. It is smart, intelligent, cloud based, and very easy to use.